Moi… Photographe Professionnel

My photo, my philosophy

Je réalise des photos fidèles, authentiques et naturelles. Photographier la rue, photographier les gens, les  émotions qui se devinent parfois au travers d’un simple regard. Composer et raconter avec la lumière comme encrier une histoire qui parle de l’humanité, qui ne s’adresse parfois qu’à moi et parfois à tous. Elle ne m’appartient pas mais j’en suis le témoin. Se souvenir, sacraliser ou condamner ce qui doit l’être selon nos croyances nos peurs nos espoirs et nos ambitions, indépendamment de notre condition en tant qu’humain, esprit ou citoyen. Ne pas oublier que la perception de chaque situation, qu’elle soit émotionnelle ou concrète ne dépend que du point de vue adopté et que seulement dans l’engagement et l’action on peut espérer se libérer… Voici quelques bonnes raisons pour lesquels la photographie a une place si importante pour moi. D’une simple passion au début, elle est devenue avec le temps le moyen pour moi de m’accomplir pleinement, d’abord dans ma vie privée puis professionnellement depuis 2013. J’aime dire que j’en fais un usage thérapeutique. En m’exprimant grâce à l’image, plus puissante que les mots. je tente de rendre ainsi le réel intemporel, mon monde meilleur.

My intention 

I believe in a lot of things, and I love debating these beliefs, the meaning of life, of our actions... but I preferCommitment and the concrete actions it pushes us to. For me, photography is part of this approach. I take photographs to experience the human encounters they provoke. It's the human element that interests me most, in all its complexity, beauty and authenticity.

I've also always wanted to tell stories. I've never found the words or the ideas, but today I can do it thanks to photography. It also helps me to explain to my children the importance of doing everything possible to turn dreams into reality, and the importance of committing oneself fully to action in order to move forward, achieve one's goals and blossom. 

My paradoxes

Beyond my certainties, paradoxes and compromises drive me on a daily basis. My vision is artistic, romantic and authentic, but I lead my life in a very rational and pragmatic way... I've been a sportsman for a very long time (Chinese martial arts are as important to me as photography), but I have absolutely no proper eating habits. I love taking photos of love and marriage and experiencing romance from the inside, but I hate romantic comedies in the cinema, which I easily replace with American blockbusters. And I'm not even touching on my own personal situation... They say that photography is a story of compromise for the photographer, and I believe that compromise is an integral part of my life story.

 Professionnel, artisan et passionné

There's no point in trying to describe myself fully on this page, I'm a photographer, professional craftsman or occasional artist, based in Paris and Champigny Sur Marne (94). The most important thing you need to know is that I'm a super-cool guy, friendly and attentive to your every wish. Very curious by nature, I have many other passions in my life besides photography, like martial arts for example. 

I'm also at ease with most of the personalities I meet. I was even trained for it and it's still a passion. Thanks to NLP and other personal development techniques, which are very much a part of my daily life, I'm constantly motivating and challenging myself, and this helps me greatly to make beautiful wedding photos, to make a living from my passion and, above all, to be happy with it, even after several hundred wedding documentaries. I'll be able to tell you a lot more when we next meet.

"What photography reproduces ad infinitum only happens once." Roland Barthes

"Where your focus goes, your energy goes." Anthony Robbins

"A journey of a thousand miles always begins with a first step." Lao Tzu

"Whoever wants to cross the desert must put his trust in god but must hitch up his camel well." Nassr Eddin Hoja

As for my other activities outside of weddings and couples, you can access them by visiting my other website

- Lifestyle / Studio portraiture for individuals, actors or models, whether professional or not

- For sports and cultural associations, reportage and portraiture.

My primary passion in photography is the street, so I've put together a short video of my latest trip to NewYork to show you what it's all about, and invite you to visit my other website under the "Urban" heading to discover more.

professional photographer

Discreet,passionate,involved, craftsman, I am available in IDF or elsewhere.


See you soon!